Infant CPR: When and How to Perform CPR on a Baby – Step-by-Step Guide

Infant CPR

Learn essential infant CPR steps in emergencies. Discover how to perform CPR on a baby with our easy guide. Be prepared to save a life!

Infant CPR: When and How to Perform CPR on a Baby – Step-by-Step Guide for Emergencies


As parents and caregivers, it’s crucial to be ready when a baby needs help. This guide offers simple steps on performing CPR for babies, a life-saving skill. By learning the basics and recognizing when to call for professional aid, you become well-prepared to handle infant emergencies. Let’s embark on this vital journey of learning and readiness together.

What is CPR?

CPR is Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation. It’s when you help someone who can’t breathe or whose heart stopped. You push on their chest and give them air by breathing into their mouth. It saves lives in emergencies.

When to Perform CPR on a Baby:

1. Check Responsiveness: 

First, gently tap the baby’s shoulder and call out to see if they respond. If they don’t react, it’s a sign they’re unresponsive, and you need to consider CPR.

2. Assess Breathing: 

Lay the baby on a flat surface and watch closely. Look to see if their chest is moving, listen for any signs of breathing, and feel for a breath on your cheek. If they’re not breathing or only gasping, it’s time for CPR.

How to Perform CPR on a Baby:

Step 1: Call for Help

  • If you’re alone with the baby, do CPR for about 2 minutes before calling 911.
  • If someone else is around, ask them to call 911 while you start CPR.

Step 2: Chest Compressions

  1. Positioning:
    Place the baby on their back on something firm like the floor or a table.
  2. Method:
    Use your index and middle fingers to gently but firmly press down on the center of the baby’s chest. Push about 1.5 inches deep and keep a pace of 100-120 compressions per minute.
  3. Count:
    Do 30 chest compressions in a steady rhythm.

Step 3: Rescue Breaths

  1. Opening the Airway:
    Tilt the baby’s head slightly to keep the airway open. Don’t overdo it; just a gentle tilt.
  2. Making a Seal:
    Cover the baby’s mouth and nose with your mouth to create a tight seal.
  3. Giving Breaths:
    Provide two soft rescue breaths, lasting about one second each. Observe if the baby’s chest is rising with every breath.

Step 4: Continue Cycles

  • Keep going back and forth between 30 chest compressions and two rescue breaths.
  • Keep at it until the baby starts breathing alone, medical help arrives, or you’re too tired to continue.

Additional Tips:

  • Unconscious Baby: 

If the baby becomes unconscious during CPR, don’t stop. Keep the cycle going.

  • Gentle Pressure: 

Remember, the baby’s body is delicate. Be firm enough during chest compressions but not too forceful.

  • Professional Help: 

Even if the baby starts breathing, it’s essential to get them checked by medical professionals.

After CPR:

  • Once the baby is breathing alone or help arrives, lay them on their side. It is the recovery position.


  • Certified Training:
    Enroll in certified CPR classes that include infant CPR. Hands-on practice makes a big difference.
  • Exercise Regularly:
    Keep practicing to get comfortable with infant CPR techniques.


Knowing how to perform baby CPR can be helpful in an emergency. It is crucial to keep in mind that the current situation is temporary. Getting medical assistance without delay is of utmost importance. Professional service is necessary to provide the baby with the proper care. Even if you know how to perform baby CPR, you must call for professional assistance quickly. A quick action can significantly impact saving the life of a baby.

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