Potty Training and Elimination Communication: Guide for Parents

Potty Training and Elimination Communication: Guide for Parents

Learn how to help your child with potty training and using the toilet. Get practical tips for success in this easy-to-follow guide for parents.

Potty Training and Elimination Communication: A Guide for Parents


Potty Training and Elimination Communication

Teaching a child to use the toilet, also called potty training or elimination communication, is a different experience for each child. It’s essential to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach, and the right time to start depends on your child’s readiness and your preferences. 
Here’s a detailed explanation of when to start and how to try elimination communication with your baby:

1. When to Start Potty Training:

There isn’t a universally applicable age at which all children should begin toilet training. It depends on your child. Some kids might be ready as early as 18-24 months, while others might need to wait until they’re around 2.5 to 3 years old. Look for signs like your child being interested in the toilet, staying dry for longer, or not liking dirty diapers. Also, if they can follow simple instructions, that’s a good sign.

2. Potty Training vs. Elimination Communication:

Potty training means teaching your older baby or toddler to use the toilet independently. But there’s another way called elimination communication (EC). With EC, parents try to understand their baby’s signals when they need to pee or poop, and then they help the baby use the toilet. You can start EC early, even when they’re just tiny babies.

3. How to Try Elimination Communication:

  • Prepare Yourself:
    Learning to recognize when your baby needs to use the restroom is essential. Babies make sounds, expressions, or moves when they want to pee or poop. Be patient because this takes practice.
  • Start Early:
    Like a newborn, you can begin EC when your baby is super young. Babies are most open to learning this when they’re tiny.
  • Observe and Learn:
    Watch for your baby’s signs. They might grunt, fuss, or show discomfort before they go. Try to figure out the times of day when they usually do their business.
  • Create a Potty Routine:
    Make a regular schedule for taking your baby to the potty. Do it after they wake up, after eating, or before bedtime. Use a word or sound to tell your baby it’s potty time.
  • Use the Right Gear:
    You can use a small potty seat on the big toilet, bowl, or sink. Make sure your baby’s clothes are easy to take off.
  • Be Patient and Encouraging:
    Stay calm when it’s potty time. Encourage your baby with kind words and cheers.
  • Celebrate Success:
    When your baby uses the potty successfully, celebrate! Clap your hands or sing a happy song. It’s a big deal!
  • Stay Consistent:
    Stick to your regular schedule and pay attention to your baby’s signals. Consistency is critical with EC.

Transition to Toddler Potty Training: 

As your little one grows and becomes more independent, you can slowly shift to regular potty training, usually around 2 or 3 years old.


To sum it up, teaching your child to use the potty differs for each child. There’s no exact age to start – it depends on your child. You can choose between regular potty training or early elimination communication. Be patient, watch for signs, create a potty routine, and celebrate their success. As they grow, you can transition to independent potty training around 2 or 3 years old.

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