A Safe Guide to Introducing Water to Babies

Introducing Water to Babies

Hydrate your baby safely with our guide to introducing water. Expert advice, safe practices, and happy hydration for a thriving little one!

Introducing Water to Babies: A Comprehensive Guide


As a parent, raising water for your baby is essential to their growth and development. However, knowing when and how to do it safely is crucial. 

Here’s a detailed exploration of when to introduce water to babies, along with essential points to consider:

When to Introduce Water to your baby:

  1. Breast Milk or Formula Priority: 

Breast milk or formula should be the primary source of nourishment during the initial six months of a baby’s life. Water is unnecessary during this time as breast milk and formula provide all the hydration they need.

  1. Around Six Months: 

Once your baby starts eating solid foods around six months, you can begin introducing small sips of water in addition to breast milk or formula.

Essential Points to Consider:

  1. Consult Your Pediatrician: 

Always consult your pediatrician before introducing water to your baby. You can receive customized guidance considering your baby’s growth, health, and individual requirements.

  1. Water Quantity: 

Initially, offer small amounts of water – usually a few sips after meals. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) suggests no more than 2 to 4 ounces (about 60 to 120 ml) of water per day for babies aged six months to 1 year.

  1. Bottle or Cup: 

You can offer water to your baby through a bottle with a soft spout or a sippy cup. Transitioning to a regular cup as they grow older is a good practice.

  1. Avoid Water Instead of Milk or Formula: 

Continue to prioritize breast milk or formula as the primary source of nutrition. Too much water can fill your baby’s tummy, leaving less space for nutrient-rich breast milk or formula.

  1. Mealtime Routine: 

Introduce water as part of the mealtime routine, offering it after solid foods. It helps your baby learn the distinction between meals and drinks.

  1. Hydration in Hot Weather: 

Offer your baby extra sips of water to prevent dehydration in hot weather or when exposed to heat. Breastfed babies may nurse more frequently in hot weather to stay hydrated.

  1. Safe Water Sources: 

If you’re using tap water, ensure it’s safe for your baby. Pediatricians sometimes recommend using boiled and cooled tap water for babies under one year old to avoid potential contaminants.

  1. Skip Flavored Waters or Juices: 

Avoid giving your baby flavored waters, sugary drinks, or fruit juices. Stick to plain water as their introduction to beverages.

  1. Avoid Overhydration: 

While keeping your baby hydrated is essential, overhydration can be harmful. It’s important to be mindful of the amount of water given to babies, as their kidneys are still developing, and excessive intake can disrupt their electrolyte balance.

  1. Cues for Thirst: 

Watch for signals of thirst, such as your baby being fussy, particularly active, or in a warm environment.

  1. Gradual Transition: 

As your baby grows and their solid food intake increases, you can gradually offer more water, always balancing milk or formula consumption.

  1. Weaning from Bottles: 

By age one, you can start transitioning away from bottles. Introducing your little one to drink from a regular cup and offering water during meals and throughout the day is a good idea.


Introducing water to babies is an essential step in their journey of growth and development. Remember to prioritize breast milk or formula in their first six months and consult your pediatrician before changing their diet. Offer small amounts of water as part of their mealtime routine, always considering their individual needs, and gradually increase the amount as they grow. Keeping your baby hydrated while maintaining a balanced diet is vital to their well-being.

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